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Things to Know As You Begin  Level2

Well, hello, and how nice to see you! If you’re here, that means you’ve joined Level2 Specialty Care and you’re ready to get started on a journey to improving your glucose and in turn, your type 2 diabetes. But what do you need to know as you’re going? We’ve compiled a tidy little list of the most important things right here.

The Level2 Method

Level2 offers something we call the Level2 Method, a scientific, research-based approach that uses goals set by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to help you improve your glucose and feel better. You’re starting it now. Let’s goooooo!

Watch a video describing the Level2 Method. 

Continuous Glucose Monitor

You get a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), which you should put on right away if you haven’t done so already. A CGM gives you visibility into your body’s glucose and brings you insights that you can’t get from fingersticks (plus, a CGM doesn’t require pricking your finger multiple times a day). Everyone’s different — you really have to see what affects your glucose, and then we’ll work with you to help you know how to change it.

Want to learn about the magic of a CGM? Watch this video

Your Care Team

That’s right! You get an entire TEAM in your corner. As a member of Level2, you get your own care team available to help you, including doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, diabetes care specialists, registered dietitians and coaches. They will work with you to discover new strategies to lower your glucose and support you as you work to improve your type 2.

Learn more about your Level2 care team.


Behavior Change

Behavior change is all about learning and unlearning – from what you know about type 2 diabetes to how (and why) you eat and more. You’ll learn how creating new habits and routines give you power over type 2, and we’ll give you the tools and strategies to create lasting change.  

 Chat with your Level2 coach to get started. (Just visit the Chat tab in the Level2 app.) 


The Level2 App

Download it now if you haven’t done so already. The Level2 app is like your own spotlight in the sky to summon your care team, and your app is an amazing source of tips and information as you work through the phases of the Level2 Method. It’s truly a must have!

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Level2 is here for you.

Get started on your journey

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