100% coverage means you could pay nothing for:
And P.S. No high deductible to meet means immediate savings.
See Level2 Health Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage for full details, or call one of our specialists: 1-844-302-2821 (TTY 711). Level2 Health Plan enhanced benefits are earned by enrolling in Level2 Specialty Care and meeting the active participation requirements each quarter.
You get this 100% coverage starting Jan. 1,
and can keep it going by joining Level2 Specialty Care and wearing your no-cost continuous glucose monitor.
What does Level2 Specialty Care for type 2 diabetes mean?
Goodbye fingersticks! We get you started with a no-cost continuous glucose monitor (CGM) that tracks your glucose while helping you understand how to lower it.
Hello team! You get a Level2 care team of physicians, nurse practitioners, coaches, and registered dietitians who can help you improve your type 2 diabetes. And your Level2 care team will partner with your existing health providers.

A comprehensive plan with great benefits

With Level2 from UnitedHealthcare you get:
- To choose from 1.3 million providers on the Choice network
- To know your costs upfront with fixed-amount copays
- A great plan for the whole family
(not a high deductible plan!)
Is your current provider in network?
To see if your current primary care physician is in network, visit myuhc.com and click “Find a doctor.”
Level2 members saved
$1,027on average out-of-pocket care costs per year*
*2023 Level2 analysis of 2021 and 2022 Level2 Health Plan subscribers living with type 2 diabetes compared to individuals living with type 2 diabetes within the same employer groups who did not select the Level2 Health Plan.

—Max, Level2 Member
And your family saves too!
- PCP visits to Premium care physicians
- Outpatient diagnostic tests (like labs and x-rays)
- Virtual visits through HealthiestYou
- Specialist visits
- Urgent care
- Rehabilitation services
- Prescriptions
Gurley Leep’s open enrollment is
November 4 – November 15.
Visit Bswift Benefits in Paylocity during open enrollment
and select the Level2 Health Plan.

How much could you save from the Level2 Health Plan?
Call our experts
1-844-302-2821(TTY 711)
7 AM – 8 PM CT Monday-Friday
9 AM – 3 PM CT Saturday