Before joining Level2, type 2 diabetes sat in the drivers seat of Raquel’s life. Now, she’s taking the wheel. Raquel’s A1C was 7.4 and today it’s 6.3, plus she’s lost about 20 pounds and only takes diabetes medications once a week.
“I was always carrying testing supplies, a kit and a juice box just in case my sugar was low. I no longer feel like I have to do that. I can just be myself. I can go anywhere, anytime and I can live my life without worrying about it,” Raquel says.
“I feel like the Level2 program has made me see that I can put type 2 diabetes in the back seat. Diabetes isn’t driving anymore. I am. It’s a refreshing feeling,” she continues.
Best of all, she still loves cooking – and she even enjoys making delicious foods that keep her blood glucose in check thanks to her continuous glucose monitor (CGM) from Level2.
“I absolutely love to cook and bake. My CGM has become invaluable because I can see how food has affected my glucose right after I eat. The CGM has taught me many valuable lessons that I thought I already knew! I actually learned a lot more since I’ve had it,” she shares.
Raquel has had type 2 for 17 years, and she thought she knew everything about it. With Level2 she’s learning better ways to take care of her body so she can focus on what brings her joy.
“I love to make iced coffee. I learned in the last year since I’ve been a member of Level2 that if I use unsweetened almond milk in my iced coffee, I can enjoy it without the fear of my blood glucose spiking,” she says.
“The thing that I’m happiest about with the CGM is that it’s allowed me to be spontaneous. I feel like I can do anything and go anywhere! I don’t have to take my life with me in a handbag and wonder if there’s room for me AND my purse,” she shares.
Since joining Level2, Raquel has started making changes with the help of her Level2 coach, who is one of her biggest cheerleaders.
“I’ve taken the time to look deeper at my diet to understand what other changes I can make. My coach has been my rock. They’ve helped me understand some of my habits and patterns that I wasn’t noticing at first. I feel supported and I know my coach truly does care. I’m not a number. I am a valued person,” she mentions.
Now that Raquel has found her path to remission, she finally feels in control of her life.
“I want other people to know if they’re hesitating, don’t hesitate! Don’t waste part of your life. Get on the program. Take control of your diabetes and know that you can control this instead of it controlling you. That’s exactly how I feel,” she says.
“I’m in charge again. With Level2 I know I’ll continue to hit my goals and do what’s necessary for my health. If I can do it, I know anyone can!” she adds.
Nov. 04 2021