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Activities to Improve Average Blood Glucose

Your goal in Phase 4 of the Level2 Method is to get an average blood glucose (ABG) of less than 140 mg/dL for a minimum of 14 days. This follows the guidance of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for people with type 2 diabetes who are working to improve their glucose. Be sure to ask your provider or care team if this goal is appropriate for you, too, though.

Eventually, you can consider testing your knowledge (noticing the rise and fall of your glucose) by taking a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) break. First, start your experiment by taking a one-week break from wearing a CGM, but focus on the behaviors you’ve been using to keep your TIR > 70%. Next, use your CGM to test your glucose predictions. When you put your next sensor on, compare your TIR after one week of no CGM to the TIR before. Finally, use your CGM less unless needed for insulin dosing/on any insulin, and continue wearing unless instructed by a provider.

Aren’t sure what to do to get through this next phase? Don’t worry – we’ve got you. We’ve compiled a list of activities that have helped other Level2 members improve their ABG.

Eat mindfully.

No, we aren’t saying you need to do yoga and deep breathing every time you’re hungry. Mindful eating is about paying attention to not only the ways you eat but also how you buy, prepare and serve food. For example, mindfulness means you pay attention to your responses to food – what do you like, dislike or feel indifferent about? How do certain foods make you feel, both physically and emotionally?

Choose foods that you like and that make you feel both physically and emotionally good. Serve your food on a plate or in a setting that makes mealtime more of a ritual. Don’t scroll on your phone or watch TV while you’re eating, and instead pay attention to the scent, taste and textures of your food.

Acknowledge that eating is social.

Most people aren’t eating and preparing food in a vacuum. A significant other might be cooking for you, or you might be preparing food for your family, and their eating preferences influence yours. For example, they might want to eat pasta, pizza, tortillas and rice most nights, and if you’re trying to eat fewer carbs, this can be challenging. Talk to your significant other or family about why you need to focus on your nutrition to stay healthy (and there for them) and figure out a meal plan that works for all of you.

When you’re out for dinner or having lunch with friends and coworkers, take some time to figure out in advance what menu options will work for you. Make a plan and stick to it.

Combine nutrition and movement.

One of the most powerful things you can do to improve your ABG is go beyond just eating low-carb or trying time restricted eating: It’s adding a little movement every time you eat something. Need ideas? Stand up for five minutes after your meal or snack. Walk for 15 minutes after each of your meals (you can do it inside or outside). If you have time and it’s a nice day, go outside and walk even longer.

Add more movement throughout the day.

A lot of us don’t feel like we have an hour a day to devote to exercising. However, it’s OK to break up an hour (or even just 45 minutes) into chunks of five to 10-minute bursts of activity throughout the day as long as your provider or care team says it’s fine. Move after snacks and meals for sure. As you move more, you’ll want to vary your activity and intensity so your metabolism doesn’t slow down. For example, try switching to from walking to resistance training, or switch from swimming laps to biking.

Burn glucose in your muscles.

Resistance training burns glycogen (which is glucose that’s stored in your muscles) and builds muscle, which means resistance training is truly a two-for-one as far as exercise goes. Not sure where to start? Just use everyday objects for resistance: Try a t-shirt for a resistance band. Lift a laundry detergent bottle, soup can or milk jug for a dumbbell. Resistance training isn’t the only answer to burning glycogen, by the way: Slow jogging and low-level aerobic training are also awesome glycogen burners.


For more ideas for how to lower your ABG, visit the Learning tab of the Level2 app, or if you feel stuck or need support, contact your care team in the Chat tab.  


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