One page PDF, high-level overview of Level2 Specialty Care, how it works, what members get and how to join.
One page PDF, high-level overview of Level2 Specialty Care, how it works, what members get and how to join.
Shareable file available in PDF, PNG, and EPS format (size 14″x20″). Grabs attention and builds awareness that people can work to improve type 2.
Employer letter or email to employees
Employees trust employer communications. Use this draft (shared in .docx format) to let your employees know about this new offering.
Program write ups
Use these write ups (in .docx format) to inspire your communication with employees about this new benefit.
Digital banners and signage
Provided in PNG format. Piques interest to learn more about Level2 Specialty Care in a simple way. Meant to drive traffic to
Single slide
This .pptx slide will come in handy whenever someone on your team presents Level2 Specialty Care. It includes details like what members get, where to learn more and how to join.